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Compact Chainweb node databases

Because a healthy blockchain continuously adds new transactions in new blocks that change the state of the database, managing the storage requirements on individual nodes can be challenging.

To address this storage issue, Chainweb provides the compact command-line program. The compact program enables you to delete historical unused state from the chainweb-node RocksDB database and the Pact SQLite database. Removing old state that isn't required to validate transactions or reach consensus enables your node to use far less disk space overall while maintaining the semantic integrity of node operations.

Note that, if possible, you should run the compact program on a computer or instance with higher input/output operations per second (IOPs). For nodes that run as virtual machines or instances on a cloud platform, you can typically configure this setting to optimize performance.

After you compact the state and restart the node to use the compacted database, you can delete the old database to further reduce your storage overhead or save the old database in another location as a backup.

To reduce storage for Chainweb node databases:

  1. Open a terminal shell on a computer with access to the chainweb-node you manage.

    For example, if you run the node in a Docker container, open a terminal in the container. If you installed chainweb-node from a release binary or built it from source, open a terminal or secure shell on the computer where the binary is installed.

  2. Verify that you have access to the compact command-line program by running the following command:

    compact --help
    compact --help

    If you have access to the compact program, you should see usage information similar to the following:

    Usage: compact [--chainweb-version ARG] --from ARG --to ARG [--parallel]               --log-dir ARG   Pact DB Compaction Tool - create a compacted copy of the source database  directory Pact DB into the target directory. Available options:  --from ARG               Directory containing SQLite Pact state and RocksDB                           block data to compact, expected to be in                           $DIR/0/{sqlite,rocksDb}.  --to ARG                 Directory where to place the compacted Pact state and                           block data. It will place them in                           $DIR/0/{sqlite,rocksDb}, respectively.  --parallel               Turn on multi-threaded compaction. The threads are                           per-chain.  --log-dir ARG            Directory where compaction logs will be placed.  -h,--help                Show this help text
    Usage: compact [--chainweb-version ARG] --from ARG --to ARG [--parallel]               --log-dir ARG   Pact DB Compaction Tool - create a compacted copy of the source database  directory Pact DB into the target directory. Available options:  --from ARG               Directory containing SQLite Pact state and RocksDB                           block data to compact, expected to be in                           $DIR/0/{sqlite,rocksDb}.  --to ARG                 Directory where to place the compacted Pact state and                           block data. It will place them in                           $DIR/0/{sqlite,rocksDb}, respectively.  --parallel               Turn on multi-threaded compaction. The threads are                           per-chain.  --log-dir ARG            Directory where compaction logs will be placed.  -h,--help                Show this help text
  3. Compact your rocksdb and sqlite databases by running the compact command with the following arguments:

    • --from to specify the path to the database directory you want to compact. You should specify the database root directory that contains the 0/sqlite and 0/rocksdb subdirectories. For example, the data/state/chainweb/db directory is the root directory for the data/state/chainweb/db/0/sqlite directory and the data/state/chainweb/db/0/rocksdb directory.
    • --to to specify the path to the compacted database. The compact program writes the compacted databases to the $DIR/0/sqlite and $DIR/0/rocksdb subdirectories within the directory you specify.
    • --log-dir to specify the directory where you want the compact program to put the log files it creates, one for each chain. If the directory doesn’t exist, the compact program creates it. These logs can be useful for debugging if something goes wrong.
    • --chainweb-version to specify the network identifier for the node. This argument is optional if you're compacting a database for the mainnet01 network. If you're compacting a database for another network—for example, the Kadena test network—you must specify the network identifier. Valid values are "development", "testnet04", and "mainnet01".

    For example, if you are using the default location for the database directory and a node connected to the Kadena test network, run a command similar to the following:

    compact --from ~/.local/share/chainweb-node/testnet04 --to ~/.local/share/chainweb-node/compact-db --log-dir /tmp/compaction-log-files --chainweb-version testnet04
    compact --from ~/.local/share/chainweb-node/testnet04 --to ~/.local/share/chainweb-node/compact-db --log-dir /tmp/compaction-log-files --chainweb-version testnet04

    Note that the location of the Chainweb root database directory—~/.local/share/chainweb-node/testnet04 in this example—depends on the configuration of the node. If you haven't specified a location in the configuration file, the default location is ~/.local/share/chainweb-node/{chainweb-network-id}, for example ~/.local/share/chainweb-node/testnet04 for a node in the Kadena test network.

    If your node isn't synchronized with the current block height of the network or doesn't have enough history to ensure proper validation, you might see the compact operation fail with any error similar to the following:

    2024-08-09T20:03:38.215Z [Error] [] locateLatestSafeTarget: Not enough history to safely compact. Aborting.
    2024-08-09T20:03:38.215Z [Error] [] locateLatestSafeTarget: Not enough history to safely compact. Aborting.

    If you have enough history for compaction to succeed, you should see a message in the terminal similar to the following:

    2024-08-13T18:11:30.991Z [Debug] [] Latest Common BlockHeight: 41151622024-08-13T18:11:30.991Z [Debug] [] Earliest Common BlockHeight: 3326042024-08-13T18:11:31.438Z [Debug] [] Compaction target blockheight is: 41141622024-08-13T18:11:31.438Z [Debug] [] targetBlockHeight: 4114162
    2024-08-13T18:11:30.991Z [Debug] [] Latest Common BlockHeight: 41151622024-08-13T18:11:30.991Z [Debug] [] Earliest Common BlockHeight: 3326042024-08-13T18:11:31.438Z [Debug] [] Compaction target blockheight is: 41141622024-08-13T18:11:31.438Z [Debug] [] targetBlockHeight: 4114162

    All other messages are recorded in the log files in the directory you specified for the --log-dir command-line argument.

  4. Stop your node.

  5. Restart your node with the new compacted database directory.

    You can specify the new compacted database directory as a command-line option or edit the node configuration file you use to set the new compacted database directory.

    For example, you can restart the node with a command similar to the following:

    chainweb-node --database-directory=~/.local/share/chainweb-node/compact-db
    chainweb-node --database-directory=~/.local/share/chainweb-node/compact-db

    If you're editing the configuration file, update the YAML or JSON file to set the databaseDirectory field to the location of the compacted database. For example:

    chainweb:  allowReadsInLocal: false  backup:    api:      configuration: {}      enabled: false    directory: null  databaseDirectory: ~/.local/share/chainweb-node/compact-db
    chainweb:  allowReadsInLocal: false  backup:    api:      configuration: {}      enabled: false    directory: null  databaseDirectory: ~/.local/share/chainweb-node/compact-db

    After you restart the node, it should run normally with the reduced database size as though nothing has changed. You can delete the old database files or keep them locally or in another location as a backup.

If you encounter errors or warnings, open a new issue for chainweb-node or contact Kadena developers in the infrastructure channel on the Kadena Discord server.